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Save to favorite Posted: 3 years ago Dubai, AE

Financial Analyst Vacancy in Dubai

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Financial Analyst
Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
• Holds a CFA certificate or holds the Securities and Commodities Authority exams (CISI)

1. UAE Financial Rules and Regulations
2. International Certificate in Wealth and Investment Management (Level 3)***
3. Risk in Financial Services
4. Global Securities***

A Financial Analyst is responsible for the financial planning and analysis of a company, allowing the organization to make well-informed commercial decisions.
At the heart of a Finance Analyst job description should be the ability to determine the best use of resources to achieve business objectives. They will be expected to produce regular reports using financial data, and work collaboratively across the entire finance team to analyses business performance and strategy.
1. Bachelor’s degree in, Finance, Accounting, Economics or Mathematics and to be certified by ministry of education in UAE.
2. Minimum 5 years’ related experience.
3. Proficiency with spreadsheets, databases and financial software applications.
4. Excellent organizational, oral and written communications.
5. Ability to work under pressure. Plan personal workload effectively.
6. Deep understanding of the financial system and institutions.

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Condition: All
Transaction: All
Seller: Anonymous
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