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Save to favorite Posted: 3 years ago Dubai, AE

Finance Manager Vacancy in Dubai

20,000 AED


Job description
- The finance manager candidate should have a Bachelor's degree in finance or accounting and with minimum 5 years Gulf experience in Construction Company.
- Preference will be given to Male candidates with CA/CPA/MBA/PG.
- Excellent communication skills are essential, particularly in regard to presenting the results of analyses to management.
- Should have an outstanding knowledge of electronic spreadsheets; analyze every day financial activities and subsequently provide advice and guidance to upper management on future financial plans in order to enable them to make sound business decision and meet the company’s objectives.
- As such, the finance manager should manage funds in such a manner as to maximize return on investment while minimizing risk, and while also ensuring that an adequate control structure is in place over the transfer and investment of funds.
- Further, the finance manager engages in financial analysis in such areas as forecasting, budgeting, engaging in cost reduction analysis, and reviewing operational performance.
- AED 20,000/- monthly salary (all inclusive).


Condition: All
Transaction: All
Seller: Anonymous
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