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Save to favorite Posted: 3 years ago Dubai, AE

Revenue Accounting Analyst Fortune 500 Multinational Automotive Retail Giant Years

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About the Job
Fortune 500 Multinational Automotive Retail Giant is a leading player in the automotive aftermarket parts industry in the US. As an organization, we are continually innovating and seeking to elevate the customer experience across our 4900 + stores. The company in India is an integral part of the larger organization supporting all regions in the US across IT, Digital, E-Services, Finance, and Human Resources.
As a Revenue Accounting Analyst, you will be responsible for applying principles of accounting to analyze financial information, recording and reconciling transactions, assisting in the preparation of financial reports, determining and calculating accounting treatment in an accurate and timely manner within the financial records and handling special projects as assigned.
Role and Responsibilities
Provide analysis for Accounting management and business unit teams to determine financial liabilities and prepare appropriate accruals.
Prepare journal entries and assigned account reconciliations on a period basis according to established schedule. Follow up with appropriate individuals for any needed corrections and prepare journal entries accordingly.
Perform analytical reviews and interpretation of financial data and provide understandable explanations to non-financial business partners.
Produce reports for other departments and teams as necessary.
Prepare and maintain schedules and supporting documentation needed for management, internal and external reporting, internal and external auditors and SOX requirements.
Assist in quarterly reviews/year-end audits with internal and external auditors.
You will benefit from
Range of Healthcare Perks
Life Insurance
Long-term/Short-term Disability Insurance.
Employee Stock Purchase Plan
Sick leaves
Paid vacations
Paid Maternity


Condition: All
Transaction: All
Seller: Anonymous
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