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xThanks! That's very helpful
Save to favorite Posted: 3 years ago Dubai, AE

Senior Developer Python Java Global Fortune 500 Company Years

Check with seller


Key Responsibilities:
- Work on the Enterprise Information and Insights (EII) team.
- Build solid and supportable modular designs for data streaming, Cloud transformation/migration, and API product development in support of critical applications.
- Creation and support of data-centric products that encompass multiple specializations, platforms, and technologies.
- Analyze technical information and produce quality software.
- Initiate collaboration with teammates
- Offer creative solutions to overcome obstacles.
- Work within automated testing and CICD processes.
- Be an expert on the products we built
- Document solutions in written and diagram form, and communicate across teams.
- Leverage developer coding standards to ensure it meets design goals and business needs.
- Identify technical issues, articulate impact and need for prioritization.
- Proactive communication to both team and leadership.
- Work collaboratively with vendor(s) and integrate as one unified team.
Required Skillset:
- Degree in Information Systems, Computer Science, with 4 or more years of experience.
- At least two year of experience in Cloud Technologies(AWS / Azure / Google). AWS is preferred.
- experience working with Streaming Data and data extraction from different Databases (Oracle, DB2, MySQL etc)- change data capture (CDC)- Internal tool- Sql, queries, concept of logs.
- experience working on Java or Python
- experience working with Kafka, Aurora, Redshift is a plus.
- Understanding of data engineering, real time streaming and/or eventing, and json parsing.
- experience building micro services and API architecture.
- Debugging skills
- Must be flexible and have a passion to learn and collaborate with colleagues.
- Must have strong oral and written communication skills.
- Business Intelligence/Analytics experience is a plus.


Condition: All
Transaction: All
Seller: Anonymous
Always stay safe! Never pay down a deposit in a bank account until you have met the seller, seen signed a purchase agreement. NO serious private advertisers ask for a down payment before you meet. Receiving an email with an in-scanned ID does not mean that you have identified the sender. You do this on the spot, when you sign a purchase agreement.

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