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Save to favorite Posted: 3 years ago Dubai, AE

Ready To Rent Fully Furnished Grab The Deal

63,000 AED


A1 Properties is pleased to offer this 1 bedroom apartment for rent in Damac Paramount Tower - Business Bay providing unique lifestyle in the heart of the city..

Unit Details:

* 1 Bedroom

* Furnished

* 2 Bathrooms

* Spacious Balcony

* Closed Plan Kitchen

Business Bay is an incredible project in the heart of Dubai, with an infrastructure well-equipped to promote businesses, trade and luxury living. Business Bay covers a total area of about 46.9 million square feet out of which 22.1 percent is for residential use, 18.5 percent for commercial use and the remaining 59 .4 percent for mixed use. With its unique location right next to DIFC, Freehold areas, the world's tallest tower Burj Khalifa, the largest canal project to be connected to the sea and not to mention state of the art commercial and residential towers, it is an ideal location to invest..


Condition: All
Transaction: All
Seller: Anonymous
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