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Save to favorite Posted: 3 years ago Dubai, AE

Ui Developer Javascript Fortune 500 Multinational Company Years

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About the role: We are looking for a Front-End Web Developer who is motivated to combine the art of design with the art. Of programming. Responsibilities will include translation of the UI/UX design wireframes to actual code. That will produce visual elements of the application. You will work with the UI/UX designer and bridge the. Gap between graphical design and technical implementation, taking an active role on both sides and. Defining how the application looks as well as how it works. Skills And Qualifications: - Proficient understanding of JavaScript, including HTML5, CSS3 - Proficient understanding of client-side scripting and Java Script frameworks, including Jquery. - Good understanding of {{Depending on the specific case, a developer should have the knowledge of advanced Java Script libraries and React.JS framework.


Condition: All
Transaction: All
Seller: Anonymous
Always stay safe! Never pay down a deposit in a bank account until you have met the seller, seen signed a purchase agreement. NO serious private advertisers ask for a down payment before you meet. Receiving an email with an in-scanned ID does not mean that you have identified the sender. You do this on the spot, when you sign a purchase agreement.

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