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Save to favorite Posted: 3 years ago Dubai, AE

Junior Finance And Account Officer Vacancy

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Looking for a junior finance and account officer. - Junior Level - Arabic and English speaker - Manage activities such as; accounting, book-keeping, financial, purchasing and administration. - Driving financial planning of company by analysing its performance and risks. - Manage and oversee company’s finance IT systems. - Manage day-to-day activities of accounting, finance, admin and purchasing. - Retain constant awareness of the company’s financial position and act to prevent problems. - Prepare timely and detailed reports on financial performance kn a quarterly and annual basis. - Conduct analysis to make forecasts and report to MD. - Ensure adherence to financial laws and guidelines in the UAE. Requirements - Proven experience as a finance officer - In-depth knowledge of corporate finance and accounting principles, laws and best practices. - Solid knowledge of financial analysis and forecasting. - Proficient in the use of MS Office and financial management software. - An analytical mind with a strategic ability. - Excellent organisational skills - Outstanding communication and interpersonal abilities. - Bsc/BA in accounting, finance or relevant field. - CPA or other relevant qualifications is an advantage. This is a junior to mid level position


Condition: All
Transaction: All
Seller: Anonymous
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