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Save to favorite Posted: 3 years ago Dubai, AE

Fully Serviced 2 Bedrooms Flat With Fascinating Views

280,000 AED


St Clair real estate is please to offer you this amazing luxurious and most affordable new and fully serviced hotel apartment in downtown Dubai. The apartment is located in the strategic location with easy access to Dubai mall, Burj Khalifa and the metro station. The apartment is fully furnished and comes with the exclusive features like * Gym * Sauna * Swimming pool * 2 Car parking Allocation * Maid Room * and much more. For more information feel free to contact. Downtown Dubai is an inspired urban concept, which reconfirms Dubais status as a global player. Burj Khalifa is the pivotal axis for this revolutionary development. Giving the world a new point of reference, the plan provides the answer to modern city living. The tallest building and largest shopping mall in the world gives unprecedented dynamism and scale to the overall project, this is not just about size. Its about awesome design solutions shaping our lives for the better. Downtown Dubai has been inspired from the urban concept that reconfirms the status of Dubai as a global player and also gives the world a new point reference and answer to the ways of modern and luxurious city living.


Condition: All
Transaction: All
Seller: Anonymous
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