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Save to favorite Posted: 3 years ago Dubai, AE

Accountant Accounts Payable Analyst Us Fortune 500 Automotive Giant Years

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Key responsibilities: - Provide analysis for Accounting management and business unit teams to determine financial liabilities and prepare appropriate accruals. - Prepare journal entries and assigned account reconciliations on a period basis according to established schedule. Follow up with appropriate individuals for any needed corrections and prepare journal entries accordingly. - Perform analytical reviews and interpretation of financial data and provide understandable explanations to non-financial business partners. - Produce reports for other departments and teams as necessary. - Prepare and maintain schedules and supporting documentation needed for management, internal and external reporting, internal and external auditors and SOX requirements. - Assist in quarterly reviews/year-end audits with internal and external auditors. Required skills: - Advanced Microsoft Word, Excel, and Accounting Systems/ERP. - Strong analytical, organizational, conflict solving and negotiation skills. - Extraordinary interpersonal skills to work in conjunction with other departments, vendors and internal and external customers. - Must be a team player who also works well independently. - Must be able to analyze data, draw conclusions, interpret results, and make recommendations with respect to accounting treatments. - Must be able to read, analyze, interpret and comprehend financial reports, and legal documents. - Must be able to effectively present information in one-on-one and small group situations to top management, external department heads, customers, clients and other employees.


Condition: All
Transaction: All
Seller: Anonymous
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