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xThanks! That's very helpful
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Principal Developer Web Sphere Commerce Java Us Multinational Automotive Firm 11 16 Years

Check with seller


Key Responsibilities:
- Overall 10 + years of experience with at least 6 years of expertise in Web Sphere Commerce.
- Hands on experience in WCS 7.x versions and WCS Feature Packs.
- experience working with large ecommerce websites.
- Strong Design and implementation experience in Web Sphere Commerce v7.x and able to provide right design decisions.
- Executed at least 3 WCS end-to-end implementation.
- Hands on experience with utilizing various sub systems of Web Sphere Commerce Server (Catalog, Order, Member, Payment, Promotion)
- Development /Integration with REST services.
- experience in Integrating, designing and developing custom solutions within Web Sphere Commerce.
- experience with payment integrations like Pay Pal and Cybersource.
- experience with presentation layer technologies including Jquery, React, Typescript.
- Strong knowledge of profiling tools, memory management, and performance tuning.
- Strong Java/J2EE experience
- experience with DB2
- End-to-end experience in software development life cycle and familiar with agile methodologies.
- Working on troubleshooting and performance improvements.
- Collaborate effectively with technical and non-technical stakeholders. Must be able to document and demonstrate technical solutions by developing documentation, diagrams, code comments, etc.
Additional Responsibilities:
- Apply software engineering best practices while also leveraging automation across all elements of solution delivery.
- Dev Ops cultural mindset for supporting full project life cycle (develop, test, analyze)
- Technical leadership skills for managing a track of work and defining a comprehensive solution leading toward a common vision.
- Mentor team members in design and development best practices.
- Lead planning exercises with developers.
- Anticipate issues and risks at the module level and escalate appropriately.
Required Skills:
- WCS 7.x versions and WCS Feature Packs
- Development /Integration with REST services.
- Java/J2EE


Condition: All
Transaction: All
Seller: Anonymous
Always stay safe! Never pay down a deposit in a bank account until you have met the seller, seen signed a purchase agreement. NO serious private advertisers ask for a down payment before you meet. Receiving an email with an in-scanned ID does not mean that you have identified the sender. You do this on the spot, when you sign a purchase agreement.

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