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Save to favorite Posted: 3 years ago Sharjah, AE

5 BR - For sale a spacious villa finishing excellent al sharqan Sharjah 2.6 MILLION

2,600,000 AED


For sale a spacious villa finishing Super Lux Sharqan Sharjah consists of: -

5 bedrooms very spacious
5 bathrooms with different and spacious spaces
A large men's Majlis for large families.
A large men's Majlis for large families.
Hall big
BIG Kitchen with designing in an excellent way

Upstairs 4 bedrooms, large spaces, super Lux finishing and room on the ground floor spacious and super Lux finishing

The exterior extension is a spacious kitchen, a maid's room and a bathroom.

Many balconies for the villa with large spaces with stunning views

Distinctive garden

An internal parking for three cars.

Its condition is excellent from the few villas that are special because its design from the inside is very distinctive and elegant
Land area, 11,300 feet
Required 2.6 million

The villa is for the owners of the high taste and it is impossible to see it and not to admire it

Aljadwal real estate


Transaction: Sell
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