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$(group).prop('checked', false); cb.prop('checked', true); // Make sure if user select republish, that repeat or duration is checked at same time if (cb.prop('name').indexOf('601') >= 0 && cb.prop('checked')) { if(cb.prop('name') == '601_1') { var countChecked = cbp.find('input:checkbox[name="601_2"]:checked').length; var firstCheck = cbp.find('input:checkbox[name="601_2"]').first(); } else { var countChecked = cbp.find('input:checkbox[name="601_1"]:checked').length; var firstCheck = cbp.find('input:checkbox[name="601_1"]').first(); } if(countChecked == 0) { firstCheck.prop('checked', true); } } } }); // ON LOAD CHECK PRICES //$('form[name="manage_promote_form"] .osp-chk input[type="checkbox"]:checked').each(function(e) { // $(this).closest('.osp-pb-line').find('select').change(); //}); }); // GET LOCATION ADJUST function ospGetLocationAdjust(ptype, locId = '') { if(locId != '') { var code_reg = 'R_' + locId + '_' + ptype; var code_ctr = 'C_' + locId + '_' + ptype; if(typeof ospLoc[code_reg] !== 'undefined') { return adjust = 1 + ospLoc[code_reg]/100; } if(typeof ospLoc[code_ctr] !== 'undefined') { return adjust = 1 + ospLoc[code_ctr]/100; } } return adjust = 1; } // UPDATE PROMOTE PRICES BASED ON REGION OR COUNTRY function ospPromoteUpdate(id, cmd = '') { if(typeof id !== 'undefined' && id != '') { $('.osp-promote-form .osp-pb-line').each(function(){ var block = $(this); var ptype = block.attr('data-type'); var adjust = ospGetLocationAdjust(ptype, id); var price = 0; var newPrice = 0; var stringPrice = ''; if(ptype == '101' || ptype == '501' || ptype == '201' || ptype == '401' || ptype == '601') { currentPrice = ospPriceDeFormat($('.finprice_' + ptype).attr('data-price-current')); newPrice = ospPriceDeFormat($('.finprice_' + ptype).attr('data-price')) * adjust; $('.finprice_' + ptype).text(($('.finprice_' + ptype).text()).replace(ospPriceFormat(currentPrice), ospPriceFormat(newPrice))); $('.finprice_' + ptype).attr('data-price-current', ospPriceFormat(newPrice)); } if(ptype == '201' || ptype == '401' || ptype == '601') { block.find('select > option').each(function(){ oCurrentPrice = String($(this).attr('data-price-current')); oNewPrice = ospPriceDeFormat($(this).attr('data-price-orig')) * adjust; $(this).text(($(this).text()).ospReplaceAfter(ospPriceFormat(oCurrentPrice), ospPriceFormat(oNewPrice))); $(this).attr('data-price-current', ospPriceFormat(oNewPrice)); }); } }); if(ospIsDebug) { console.log('Prices reloaded for location ' + id + ', command ' + cmd); } } } // GET URL PARAMETERS function getURLParams(url, k){ var p={}; //location.search.replace(/[?&]+([^=&]+)=([^&]*)/gi,function(s,k,v){p[k]=v}) url.replace(/[?&]+([^=&]+)=([^&]*)/gi,function(s,k,v){p[k]=v}); return k?p[k]:p; } // REPLACE AFTER XY CHARACTER String.prototype.ospReplaceAfter=function(sOld, sNew, index = 5) { if(this.length > index) { return this.substr(0, index) + (this.substr(index)).replace(sOld, sNew); } else { return this; } } // GET DECIMAL PLACES function ospGetDecimals() { if($('input[name="ospDecimals"]').length) { return $('input[name="ospDecimals"]').val(); } return 2; } // GET DECIMAL SYMBOL function ospGetDecimalSymbol() { if($('input[name="ospDecimalSymbol"]').length) { return $('input[name="ospDecimalSymbol"]').val(); } return '.'; } // GET THOUSANDS SEPARATOR function ospGetThousandSymbol() { if($('input[name="ospThousandSymbol"]').length) { return $('input[name="ospThousandSymbol"]').val(); } return ' '; } // FORMAT PRICE function ospPriceFormat(num) { numF = parseFloat(num); return ( numF .toFixed(ospGetDecimals()) // set decimal digits .replace('.', ospGetDecimalSymbol()) // set decimal point .replace(/(\d)(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, '$1' + ospGetThousandSymbol()) ) } // DE-FORMAT PRICE function ospPriceDeFormat(num) { num = String(num); if (num.indexOf(ospGetThousandSymbol()) >= 0) { num = num.split(ospGetThousandSymbol()).join(""); // remove thousands separator } num = num.replace(ospGetDecimalSymbol(), '.') // set decimal point to "." return parseFloat(num); }