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Save to favorite Posted: 3 years ago Dubai, AE

Lead Developer Frontend Us Fortune 500 Automotive Retailer 10 Years

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About the Job US Fortune 500 Automotive Retailer is a leading player in the automotive aftermarket parts industry in the US. As an organization. We are continually innovating and seeking to elevate the customer experience across our 4900 + stores. The company in India is an integral part of the larger organization supporting all regions in the US across IT, Digital, E-Services, Finance, and Human Resources. US Fortune 500 Automotive Retailer is currently looking for a talented Front End Developer who is passionate about building great products with great user experiences for mobile and desktop platforms. The ideal candidate will have a deep knowledge and understanding of HTML/CSS/Java Script, Jquery, Bootstrap, React JS, collaborates well with UX designers, and have prior experience integrating with back-end systems. Role and Responsibilities - Responsible for developing responsive web experiences across mobile and desktop browsers. - Translate a design using HTML(5), CSS(3), Jquery, React JS, Sass and Bootstrap. - Collaborate with cross-functional teams to define functions and features. - Apply solid understanding of UI/UX concepts and principles for mobile and desktop application. - Ability to operate in a Scrum based environment where Daily Standups, Sprint Planning, Sprint Review and Sprint Retrospective are held. - Strong communication and collaboration skills as each of these positions will interact with various levels of the business and IT. - We are looking for candidates that have a passion for technology and prior direct experience in a large scale eCommerce sites with multi-channel experience. - Knowledge of web development and design processes, including knowledge of social media solutions, database driven web sites, content management systems. - Knowledge of defining taxonomy driven web site architectures. - Ability to work in a fast-paced multi project environment, and able to maintain efficiency and positive attitude in the face of challenging and competing deadlines. - Highly organized, great attention to detail and hands on work style. - Possesses working understanding of AJAX design skills, particularly complex user task design. You will benefit from - Range of healthcare perks - Life Insurance - Long-term/Short-term Disability Insurance. - Employee Stock Purchase Plan - Sick leaves - Paid vacations - Paid Maternity


Condition: All
Transaction: All
Seller: Anonymous
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