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Save to favorite Posted: 3 years ago Dubai, AE

Quantity Surveyor Civil Post And Pre Contract And Procurement

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Quantity Surveyor (Post and Pre Contract and Procurement) Job Description: Prepare take offs from drawings and compare with site measurements. Prepare enquiry and comparison and involve in the procurement. Prepare cost analysis based on the architectural drawings, engineering estimates, materials required and labour involved. Preparation of Interim Valuations and Final Account. Evaluate tenders from contractors and subcontractors and, where appropriate, negotiate with the contractors. Control all stages of projects within predetermined budget and expenditure. Computes cost estimates of raw materials or subcontracted work and labor. Monitor and keep track of project progress and are responsible for the measurement and valuation of variations in the work during the contract, for agreement of interim payments and the final account. Reconciliation of materials and works executed during the month. Preparation of Sub Contractors payments and recording / monitoring of all site works. Work as part of a team to ensure that the requirements of the client are delivered. Key skills Ability to recognize contractual obligations of both the company and its subcontractors. Good knowledge of construction methods and materials. Financial and commercial awareness Demonstrate loyalty, honesty and commitment. Initiative to resolve problems Excellent verbal and written communication skills. Good analytical skills Team player AUTO CAD Advance skill for taking off Education and experience Bachelor / Diploma in Quantity Surveying or Engineering. Minimum 5-7 years of experience in Construction Company. Proficient in Microsoft Office Fluent English communication skills including, reading, writing and speech.


Condition: All
Transaction: All
Seller: Anonymous
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