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Home and garden




Save to favorite Posted: 3 years ago Dubai, AE

Desert Spring Village Landscaped Garden in Dubai

70,000 AED


Homes 4 Life Broker LLC is pleased to present you this two-storey, master-planned 2 Bedrooms in Desert Spring Villa, Tecom, Dubai. The garden and calming garden view blend in a way that will capture the attention of all of your visitors. There\'s also a considerable amount of cool extra features that give this home a wonderful energy, for example: -2 bedrooms - A creatively-proportioned closed-style kitchen - children playgrounds - A jogging track and gym - A community swimming pool, a swimming pool, and a children\'s pool - The extraordinarily upgraded finishes and spectacular condition -The community boasts exquisite internal and external finishes, open plan kitchens, glass balconies, walk in closets and many more. If you are looking for a property that would make a home in your heart, you are at the right place. Either an apartment of your dream, a commercial space suiting your aspirations or a villa to match your status, we provide assistance in finding you the right property mated to your requirements. Our promise is your satisfaction...


Condition: All
Transaction: Rent
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