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Lead Frontend Developer Javascript Fortune 500 Giant Years

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About Us Fortune 500 Giant is redefining talent acquisition for leading enterprises in the world by making the process of identifying great talent faster, more efficient and data-driven. We do this by allowing professionals to discover the best opportunities to grow their careers, identify opportunities that match their career aspirations and making the recruiting process simpler and easier with dynamic assessments and conversational interfaces. Fortune 500 Giant is a part of ANSR, an Accel-backed global leader helping Fortune 500 companies transform their business through technology and innovation. ANSR helps establishing and operating Global Capability Centers (GCCs) and ANSR has successfully led the setting up of over 40 + Fortune 500 companies in India, hiring 50,000 employees and managing 5 Million Sq. Ft of work space. Please visit for more info. We are a great place to work: - We operate out of our state of the art office space located in Lavelle Road, Bangalore. - We have a great and mostly young team comprised of entrepreneurs, technologists, football fanatics, philosophers and party animals. - We work on cutting edge technologies like AI and Deep Learning. - We have an amazing culture, offer free food and other awesome perks. Role and Responsibilities - Handle the complete frontend architecture for Fortune 500 Giant. - Work on setting up tools and frameworks in the repository to ensure the best development and deployment practices. - Regularly review code of fellow teammates. - Monitor the user experience and application performance on a daily basis and rectify the issues which are holding us back to deliver a world class user experience.


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Seller: Anonymous
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