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Save to favorite Posted: 3 years ago Ajman, AE

Biometric Machine Price-BIOPRO-SA30

1,445 AED


Product Code: BioPro-SA30 Regular Price : AED 1,445.00 PRICE AED 1,445.00 BioPro SA20 is a time attendance and access control terminal with advanced BioID technology. It possesses outstandingly high identification rate towards dry, wet and rough finger. Anti-highlight and side-beams minimize the interference occurred during fingerprint verification and infrared technology enables the device to function automatically when fingerprints are detected, reducing unnecessary electrical usage thus saving energy.In addition, with the brand new ZMM220 hardware platform, its clock rate can attain 1.2GHZ. Such speedy hardware platform and fingerprint algorithm greatly enhance the speed of fingerprint verification. Features 2.4-inch TFT color screen BioID fingerprint reader with Anti-Interference Technology and Sensor-Activation function. Multiple Verification Modes: Multi-verification methods (card is optional)providing user various choices Full Access Control Features Anti-passback, access control interface for the electric lock, door sensor, exit button, alarm, and doorbell. Built-in auxiliary input with enhanced flexibility to link with wired detector or emergency switch Available Options has the right to cancel any order due to a shortage of inventory or any other reasons. The product images can be slightly different from the original items.


Condition: New
Transaction: Sell
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